
Victoria University (VU) is aworld-class university located in Melbourne, one of the world’s most liveablecities. We are in the top 2% of universities worldwide, according to the TimesHigher Education World University Rankings. In 2018, we became the firstand only Australian university to teach in Block Model – a subject-by-subjectacademic delivery that leads to better student grades and an enhanced studentexperience. Validating the success of our Block Model, in 2018 we won theVictorian International Education Awards (university category) and theInternational Education of Australia Excellence Awards (innovation category).
A dual-sector university, VU offerspathways from vocational education and training to higher education throughVictoria University Polytechnic. Our diverse pathway options also includefoundation studies, higher education diplomas and English language coursesdelivered through our world-class English language centre, VU English. Morethan 40,000 students are enrolled in our courses, delivered across eightMelbourne campuses – including three in the city centre – and a ninth campus incentral Sydney. Our alumni network includes 240,000 graduates, including 30,000professionals living and working overseas.
Our strong international outlook,growing research profile, high industry income and excellent teaching qualityare reflected in our world rankings - especially in our core disciplines ofsport and exercise science, engineering and technology, computer science andeducation. In addition to our highly-ranked subject areas, we provideworld-class research opportunities for our staff and students, particularly inour flagship areas of Health and Sport, and Sustainable Industries and LiveableCities.
Industry engagement is the hallmarkof a VU qualification. Our 4,000-plus industry partnerships encompass manyforms – from work-integrated learning and research collaborations tosponsorship and international course delivery. Many of our courses aredeveloped with, and accredited by, globally-recognised industry bodies.